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A New Academic Building and Conference Center
The central goal of the Rebuild My Church Campaign is a combined academic and conference building, totaling more than 110,000 square feet, which will give us the educational space we need, as well as create a venue for events that will serve both our students and the Church.
Ways to Give

At Franciscan University, our mission is to help our students soar on the two wings of faith and reason. In recent years, however, our mission has been increasingly limited by one simple problem: we lack the space we need to carry out this work.
With funds raised through this campaign, we hope to overcome this problem with a new combined academic building and conference center.
There, two literal wings - an academic building committed to the works of reason and a conference center used for forming people in the faith - will be joined together, reflecting our school's commitment to faith and reason and assisting us as we give our students the tools they need to soar.
Faith and Reason are never at odds with one another. They are, Pope St. John Paul II wrote, “the two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of the truth.”

Core Academic Wing Components:
• Twelve new classrooms and multiple collaborative spaces
• Thirteen state-of-the-art laboratories and simulation rooms
• A tech-friendly 85-person tiered lecture hall geared toward preparing tomorrow's business leaders
• Eight specialized Engineering laboratories
Networking Lab
Heat Transfer and Fluids Lab
Strength and Materials Lab
Senior Design Lab
Maker Space Lab
Model and Manufacturing Lab
Machine Shop for working with traditional materials such as metal and wood
• A state-of-the-art Nursing Skills Lab
Eight hospital bed and equipment
Four advanced Nursing Simulation Labs with a total of nine beds, which will prepare our student nurses for more advanced clinical experiences with our health care partners
• Ample meeting places, social spaces, and study areas for students
• A café and lounge for students, with indoor and outdoor seating

Core Conference Center Components:
• Seating for up to 500 people combined with flexible meeting spaces for small group gatherings
• One large gathering space that can be divided into eight small and medium-sized rooms
• A new boardroom, which can accommodate 35 people
• A chapel in which Mass can be offered for groups of 20-30 people
• A new Welcome Center, which will house the Admissions Office and serve as a central gathering spot for campus visitors
• A 4,200-square-foot outdoor elevated terrace overlooking the campus, which can host up to 280 people for events

Now, more than ever, the world needs the faithful, joyful, talented disciples that Franciscan University sends forth.
Now, more than ever, the Church and culture need the wisdom and light Franciscan University has to share.
Now, more than ever, Franciscan University's campus needs to grow so we can do the work God is asking us to do.
Will you help us in this work, joining us as we build a place where faith and reason can flourish side by side?
Together, we can help future generations soar.